Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered Prayers.
You can spot a spoiled kid from a mile away. Always gets what he wants, if things don't go his way he’ll throw a fit until they do. Really prideful and stuck up. The parents that raised him, that pampered him, that gave him everything he wanted even though they knew it wasn't best for him, are they good parents?......yes. But could they be better parents?......Clearly.
If when things are not going my way, I could just say a prayer and then I'd love life again, am I truly growing? If I get mad at my dad (the big one upstairs) and yell and curse him and scream until things are better, did I learn?
Do I think that sometimes I pray for the wrong thing? Yes. Sometimes my Will and God's Will aren't the same. When that happens, I've obviously got some work to do. Maybe some repenting, some changing. But I know He loves me. I've felt it, I feel it all the time. So I know that whatever His Will, his desires for me are, that's the best possible thing for me. I just need to get over myself, and realise that what I want, what I KNOW is best for me, isn't actually what's best.
He loves me. Do you know what's cool about missions? We talked to a guy the other day, big black guy. Neck tats, biceps bigger than my head, at least 6’5. Beast of a man. Cigarette hanging out of his mouth. First, just the fact that we walked right up to him and started talking, that's cool. I'd have never done that before my mission. But the cooler thing was what he texted us later that night. We just met him, talked to him about the New Year, about goals, about God. About how he had tried and tried and tried to quit smoking but it's impossible. So it was a stupid goal. We told him,
“No, you should make it a goal. Because this time will be different.”
….”psh ha, ….how?”
“Cause this time, you're gonna involve God.”
You know what that text said? “You guys saved my soul today. I'm never letting another cigarette touch my lips again! God bless, see you at your church Sunday.”
When do you get that opportunity? Remember, big black guy. Neck tats. Lifelong smoker. Doesn't speak English, and lives in New York. The cooler thing? That happens all the time. Why? Why do people tell us we saved their souls? Why do people want to talk to the missionaries? Why do those who don't want to talk to us, end up talking to us and then change their lives for the better?
Because our message is true. You need to hear our message.
With love,
Elder Pier Dick

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