As missionaries, we share a unique message. We look (or try to) for every opportunity to talk to people about it. But there's a reason we look for people to talk to! Here's why: On Sunday my companion and I were heading to church. Because of how far away it is, we have to take a bus to get there. We had been held up earlier (he just took kind of long to get ready this day) so we got out to the bus stop later than usual. We missed the 10:35 bus we always catch, so we caught the next one. When we got on, there was this 25 year old girl kind of near the back, and she had Happy Birthday balloons and flowers! I sat down right by her and asked, "so it's your birthday today huh?!" and she told me, "No, actually it's my grandpa's. I'm heading to his grave to put these down, and say hi to my dad too." Usually, when things like that happen and someone tells me someone died, I automatically go into consoling mode. Tell them I'm sorry for them...