
I've been here since Wednesday!
I've seen over 20 friends that I knew from
BYU. Like TJ Mix, who used to be in the Wilmington Stake, and was my EQ
Secretary. And Landon Paskett, and Isaac Morisse, and Davis Webb, and so
many others. It's so cool to see the Lord's Army out here doing work.
Every day we study Portuguese, for over 10
hours. 10 hours. TEN HOURS. yeah. It's really hard. School was
nothing compared to this. Haha. It's kind of annoying to see the English
speaking missionaries because they actually have so much free time. So
their time in the MTC is definitely so much easier. But in the mission
field, I feel like they'll probably have it much harder, Americans are kinda
brutal when it comes to questioning the church. Like, the practice
investigators they have ask questions like "So Christ came to
America? Why didn't he go to Brazil? Or Mexico? Does He not think they're
worthy of being saved?" So, basically they just try to be annoying
and rude and it seems like something I would love to be confronted with as a
missionary because I know I can handle situations like that super well.
But being at the MTC (CTM in Portuguese), the
experience is like trying to drink from a fire-hose. They blast you with
so much information about the
gospel and about how to teach and about the language that its so hard to understand any of it and get anything out of it.
Exactly. Just like that, all day, every day. But after 6 weeks of
this, I'm off!
They have us organized into Zones according to
language (my zone is all learning Portuguese) and then district by where we are
going. So my district is all going to Brazil. There are people
going to Cape Verde, and Boston too. Like, in the States Boston.
Speaking Portuguese. It's weird. Anyways, I'm doing my absolute my best to
learn Portuguese, and hopefully I'll understand something by the time I leave.
I'd love for you to write me while I'm here. You can write for fee at www.dearelder.com. Click on write a letter. Select Provo MTC for the mission then click write a missionary. Fill out your info in the upper right of the envelope and my info on the rest of the envelope. I am in unit 41 an my departure date is Aug 16. They will print your letter and deliver it to me within 24 hours. If you put your email in the letter I can try to email you back on Mondays...but my time is limited so no promises. I would really love to hear from you! Thank you for your support!
You can also email me directly at pier.dick@myldsmail.net. I can only email on Monday...for a short period of time :)
You can also email me directly at pier.dick@myldsmail.net. I can only email on Monday...for a short period of time :)
Elder Dick's District |
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