Elder Rocha and I went looking for this man, Jose Dos Santos Filho, because he appeared in our area book as a less-active member who hadn’t been to church or taught in 2 years. So we decided we were going to go find him. We arrive at the last-known address and knock on the door. This husband and wife open the door, and before I could finish saying that we were looking for Jose the husband let us know, “we aren’t interested! Please, just go away,”....the wife started shouting, “You just wait there one minute, i’ll be right back!!”
In my missionary optimist mind, I was convinced she was going to get Jose! …..and then we heard the garage door open…….out comes the wife with a box in her arms. My next thought: Oh, Jose must have lived here before and a package came for him and she wants us to give it to him when we find him.
This poor woman, she starts screaming at us again, saying, “You want to talk to Jose?! WELL HERE HE IS! COME TALK TO HIM! Say what it is you want to say because he’s been here for the past 2 years! (shoving the box in our face) Will you just leave us alone?!?! Will you please stop looking for him because he ISNT HERE ANYMORE. HE’S DEAD OKAY?! Stop bothering our family! We just want peace!”.......She was crying so hard. And the box had Jose’s name on it and the year 2015. So...we won’t be visiting them for a while.
I got a new companion on Tuesday as well! His name is Elder Pires. He’s from Sao Paulo. We are having a good time together. We get along really well.

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