The more we serve our fellow men, the more substance there is to our souls….We become more substantive as we serve others. It becomes easier to ‘find’ ourselves, because there is so much more of us to find!
Everyone, individually in their life, approaches and ponders the three big questions of life. Who am I? Why am I here? And where am I going? This week, I want to offer an answer to this first question, Who am I? And actually, not so much as an answer, as much as a tried-and-true method for answering this question yourself.
Take a moment right now and ask yourself who you are. Are you a wife? Husband? Teacher? Student? Child of God? What truly DEFINES you as who you are? Of course, coming from a very religious upbringing, and as most all Christians believe that we are children of God, this answer might be the favorite. But, I propose that we are so much more than that. I propose that we are here on this earth for much more than to be self-identified as just “A child of God.” It is a grand title indeed. Our dad certainly has an impressive resume. Built an entire world in how many days? Answers how many prayers? He certainly is quite the father. But, what father would only want his children to be known as “His children,”? I think that a father would feel incomplete if his children only viewed themselves as such, and nothing else.
As children of our Father, we are blessed with wonderful talents. Abilities divinely given to define who we can become. However, they do not define who we are. We have that ability in our own hands. We can take this even further though. Our talents, are they given to us to benefit our own lives? Surely. But, only our lives?
During the ministry of Jesus Christ, all he did was help other people. All we really hear about Jesus Christ is the wonderful service he provided to others. I do not doubt that if Jerusalem back then had running water, and trash cans, and looked as modern as our world does today, Jesus Christ would be cleaning the dishes of every house he entered. Taking out their trash as well. He probably weeded a few gardens in his time too. Why would he do that? Sure, he is the Son of God. Kindest man to ever walk the earth. Do you think that He, a perfect soul, received any blessings from this?
As we do things like this for our friends, our neighbors, those we see in passing, we grow a little bit inside. Our hearts become more filled with the love Jesus Christ has for every soul. Each time we perform an act of service, with the sole intent of wanting to help others, wanting to make their lives a little bit better, we, in token resemblance, make our lives better too. The more we serve our fellow men, the more substance there is to our souls….We become more substantive as we serve others. It becomes easier to ‘find’ ourselves, because there is so much more of us to find! This quote rings true. We know who we are, who God wants us to be, through pure, heartfelt service.
The days leading up to Christmas are the most special days of the year. This season of the year, everyone in the world has a more open heart. They are more kind, more loving. In the darkness of today, our world needs light. In the corruption we see at every turn, our world needs light. As you go about your day, passing crude posters, seeing advertisements glorifying sin, hearing awful words said to others, think about your own light. How bright is your light? It is true, when we are filled with charity and compassion and kindness, it radiates from us. We actually appear brighter. Our faces happier, our countenances have light. This Christmas season, look for those opportunities around you to help others. To make the world a little brighter. You never know which soul is dark. You never know how much your light will change someone else.
If you are unsure of ideas or ways that you can begin to serve others, start at www.mormon.org Our church has put together a program for the 25 days leading up to Christmas. Every day has a number of ideas of service. I challenge each of you to do at least one activity each day. I promise that as you do, you will feel a marvelous difference in your life. You will become happier, you will feel the love of our Savior, and you will help change the world. Please, also as you do this service, take pictures of it! Send them to me, and post them online! We have the physical world, and the digital world that need to feel your light.
I love the opportunity I have to be helping others every day for 2 years. It has already changed my life, and will continue to do so until I return to my Father in Heaven.
Elder Dick
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