This week was great! Shorter than most though, since the change in P-days. Our days to prepare for the upcoming week used to be on Wednesdays, but now they are Mondays!
Elder Brasileiro is doing fantastic! He has some great news about his sister and her mission call! Their family is so excited for her. She will be serving in Temple Square! So all my Utah friends, come May, take a trip up to Temple square and ask around for Sister Brasileiro! Please, she's super cool.
It's really cool because Elder Brasileiro's English is improving so much. When I came, he knew English super well. But it's cool to see the improvements! I know for me, I've felt the improvements in my Portuguese. It's so amazing to be able to show that to our investigators, and members! Those that knew me my first few weeks saw how much I struggled to speak. And now, they get to witness a miracle of God with their own eyes. My Portuguese is far from perfect, but the language barrier is so much smaller. It's so cool because these people can completely relate to my situation! They are all learning English, some have been trying for years to learn it. And it took me 2 months and my Portuguese is much better than their English. They are the ones who point this out, and it's a great opportunity every time to testify of the power of our Father in Heaven, and how He helps us with everything! Truly, a blessing I didn't see coming when I learned I would be speaking Portuguese in New York
Elder Pier Dick
NYNYN Mission

NYNYN Mission
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