
Yesterday I heard an analogy I really liked.  You know those old style walls that were made of just rocks? Like, no filler to hold them together... Just rocks that fit together. Let's say that wall is your testimony you're trying to build. All of a sudden someone hands you a rock, and it's really oddly shaped, and it doesn't fit at all in the part of the wall you're building. It just doesn't fit, it's weird shaped. So what do you do? Just put it on your wall anyways and try to build around it and risk your entire wall being unstable and imperfect and risk it crumbling? No. You just put it to the side, and keep building your wall until you find where it fits. And in the gospel of Jesus christ, everything always fits perfectly! 

People have a terrible habit of taking one principle, one rock out of the wall, and expanding it greatly and then trying to shove it back in and cry and complain that it doesn't fit, so they leave or go less active. Keeping everything in its proper place and comparing it properly with everything else is key in this gospel.

Elder Dick


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